Category: HEALTH

Top 13 Foods to Conquer PCOS: Transform Your Diet for Women With PCOS

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a common endocrine disorder that affects about 10% of women of reproductive age. The symptoms include irregular menstrual cycles, weight gain, acne, and excessive hair growth. Making dietary changes can help ease some symptoms associated with this disorder, and we have compiled some of them for you.

The Power of Smell: Unveiling a Path to Wellness

Think of the aroma of a just-peeled mandarin, or freshly baked apple pie. It’s not just the intense, tangy fragrance of the fruit, or the allure of crisp apple, mouthwatering cinnamon and the melt-in-the-mouth...

15 Diseases You’ve Neglected Thanks to Vaccines

Vaccines are one of humanity’s most significant medical advancements. They have curtailed the prevalence of numerous life-threatening diseases, reducing them to mere mentions in history books rather than direct threats

Try these 7 Gluten-Free Flours Packed with Nutrients

A myriad of delicious gluten-free flours line the shelves of grocery stores these days. Made from ground nuts and pseudo cereals, gluten-free flours are packed with nutrients and are an ideal healthy food for...

How Joy Can Enhance Your Life: 5 Valuable Approaches

You have probably heard the phrase, “You cannot control everything that happens to you, but you can control your reaction.” Any situation you encounter will have a certain level of impact on your life....

Top 20 Heart-Harming Foods You Should Avoid

When it comes to heart health, your diet plays a pivotal role. Consuming the right foods can boost your heart's health, while the wrong ones can increase your risk of heart disease. As part of our commitment to promoting heart health awareness, we've compiled a list of the 20 worst foods for your heart. You might want to consider consuming these items in moderation or eliminating them from your diet.