Category: HEALTH

14 Ignored Cancer Symptoms Doctors Want You to Pay Attention To

Cancer is a devastating disease that affects millions of people worldwide. It occurs when cells in the body start to grow uncontrollably, forming a mass or tumor. Some people ignore the early warning signs of cancer, reducing their chances for successful treatment. Don't be one of these people. We've compiled some of the early warning signs medical professionals say you should know and act on.

The World’s Finest 10 Wedding Flowers

The popular wedding flowers including roses,tulips, hydrangeas…etc are represent true love, purity and strength of relation, flowers also add happiness

7 Rare Service Animals

The use of therapy or emotional support animals (ESA) is growing. That’s because there is a myriad of benefits of having something soft to cuddle with and tell your problems to. In fact, research...

5 Advantages of Practicing Yoga Nidra

Yoga nidra is designed to help you discover beauty in stillness, where your body is motionless and completely aware of your emotions. This type of yoga meditation aims to access states beyond thought, which...

Discover the 5 Pleasures of Lemon Peels

Shiny, juicy, and bright lemons are prized by many. But did you know that the lemon peel can also be treasured? The next time you squeeze or cut a lemon, think twice about throwing...

Discover 9 Delicious Edible Flowers to Savor

Floral arrangements enhance any table. But did you know that there are flowers that can also go on your dinner plate? Edible flowers have been used in cuisine since ancient times. You can add...