15 Common Habits That Might Give the Wrong Impression

You may have habits or behaviors that feel perfectly normal to you, but some of these innocent quirks might come across as odd or even unintelligent to people around you. They might be so ingrained that you’re entirely unaware of their impact on how other people perceive you. Let’s explore seemingly innocent habits that might unintentionally give off a weird or silly impression to others.

Using Your Phone in Social Settings

Most people are attached to their phones, and it has become a common habit to use them in social settings. Constantly checking your phone or scrolling through social media while hanging out with friends or family can make you seem disinterested or rude. Put down your phone and engage in conversations instead.

Nail Biting

Nail biting in public can give off the impression that you are anxious or lacking self-control. This common subconscious habit, often triggered by stress or nervousness, can mar your image. Adopt relaxation techniques, like deep breathing exercises or carrying a stress ball, to redirect your focus and break the nail-biting habit. 

Interrupting Others

Interrupting others while they are speaking can make you seem impatient and disrespectful. Make sure to listen actively and wait for your turn to speak. Practice pausing and taking a breath before responding to ensure you are not cutting off someone else’s train of thought. 

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Apologizing excessively for minor things can make you seem insecure and unsure of yourself. While it is essential to take responsibility for your actions, constantly apologizing can diminish the impact of sincere apologies when they are needed.

Resting Your Head on Your Hand

While resting your head on your hand might feel comfortable, it can make you appear disinterested and unengaged. Sit straight, with your shoulders back, and maintain eye contact during conversations to show that you are actively listening and engaged in the discussion.

Overuse of Filler Words

Using filler words like “um” and “like” too frequently can make you seem unsure or unconfident in what you are saying. Practice effective communication by incorporating pauses instead. Use silence to gather your thoughts, ensuring clarity and confidence in your speech. 


Slouching can give off a lazy and unprofessional impression. Sit straight, with your shoulders back and your chin parallel to the ground. Not only will it make you appear more confident and engaged, but it also has numerous health benefits.

Playing With Your Hair

Playing with your hair might be a nervous habit, but it can inadvertently give off the wrong impression in social or professional settings. It can be seen as distracting or flirtatious, which may not align with your intended message or image. Keep your hands occupied with a pen or notebook to redirect the nervous energy.

Checking Your Appearance Too Often

Constantly checking your appearance in mirrors or any reflective surface can give the impression that you are self-absorbed and excessively preoccupied with your looks. Shift your attention towards being fully present in the moment and genuinely connecting with the people around you. 

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Constantly Talking About Controversial Topics

While it’s essential to have discussions and express your views, constantly talking about controversial topics can make you seem argumentative or confrontational. It can also alienate people who may not share the same opinions as you. Find common ground and have respectful conversations with other people.

Being a Yes-Person

Saying yes to every request might seem admirable, but it can lead to burnout and make you appear indecisive or lacking boundaries. Practice saying no when necessary, and prioritize your well-being by prioritizing tasks that align with your goals and values.

Talking Too Loudly

Speaking too loudly in public spaces can not only disrupt tranquility but also create the perception that you are actively seeking attention. Be mindful of your volume and make appropriate adjustments based on your surroundings. By doing so, you contribute to a more harmonious environment and show respect for people sharing the space.


Constantly mentioning famous people or influential connections in conversations can make you seem to be trying too hard to impress others. Share your experiences and achievements without trying to name-drop to validate yourself.

Complaining Too Much

Complaining excessively can make you seem pessimistic. Instead, practice expressing gratitude and focusing on the positives in your life. Your mindset and outlook will not only affect how others perceive you but also impact your overall well-being.

Multi-Tasking While Listening

Multi-tasking while someone is speaking to you can make you seem disinterested. Make a conscious effort to remove distractions, like your phone or laptop, and give the person your undivided attention. Not only will this improve your relationships with others, but it will also allow for better understanding and communication.

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