Simplifying and Sustaining Life: 15 Things to Avoid Purchasing

In an era of rampant consumerism, shifting towards a more sustainable, simple lifestyle can be liberating. Not only does this limit our carbon footprint, but it also brings a sense of tranquility and contentment that overconsumption often robs us of. This guide shares items you can stop purchasing to transition towards a less cluttered life, more economical, and ultimately more in tune with our planet’s health.


Opting out of non-essential cosmetics simplifies routines, reduces waste, and saves money. Avoiding plastic packaging and harmful chemicals can help the environment and embrace a more natural and sustainable skincare routine. It’s a win-win for you and the planet.


Statement jewelry might seem appealing, but purchasing it will not help you live a more simple and sustainable life. Instead of accumulating more pieces, investing in quality handmade items from responsibly sourced materials should be your priority. This approach is better for the environment and helps prioritize what truly matters.

New Clothes

Fast fashion is a significant contributor to environmental degradation and the pollution of our planet. Shopping for new clothes constantly creates an unsustainable cycle of consumption that harms the environment. Instead, invest in timeless pieces, rent clothing items when needed, or purchase second-hand items from sustainable sources.

Netflix Subscription

The convenience of streaming services is undeniable, but it’s important to assess if this expense is worth the cost. You can save money while focusing on what truly matters by cutting your subscription and exploring alternative viewing options like free streaming services.

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Prepackaged Foods

Whenever possible, opt for whole foods instead of processed snacks. Prepackaged foods are often packed in plastic and contain chemicals, preservatives, and artificial flavors. Purchasing fresh produce not only helps reduce your carbon footprint but can also positively impact your health.

Physical Books

While textbooks and special editions may sometimes be necessary, choosing digital books can reduce environmental impact. Consider investing in e-readers to save paper and prioritize digital versions. Doing so can help protect the environment while still accessing the information you need.

Plastic Water Bottles

Single-use plastic water bottles are one of the most significant sources of plastic pollution. Save money and reduce your waste by investing in a reusable bottle and refilling it from taps or public drinking fountains when possible. There are plenty of affordable options available that will help you stay hydrated while protecting the environment.

Disposable Razors

Razors are often made with plastic and contribute to environmental degradation when improperly recycled. Invest in a quality reusable razor and replace the blades as needed. It’s an economical solution for your wallet, hygiene, and the planet.

Disinfectant Wipes

The convenience of pre-moistened wipes is undeniable, but the environmental costs are too high. The production and disposal of these wipes require a significant amount of resources, and they often contain chemicals that can be detrimental to our health and the environment.

Daily Coffee Run

The cafes are convenient, but avoiding daily coffee runs can save you money and help reduce your waste. Invest in a quality reusable mug and start brewing your coffee at home. You can also purchase sustainably sourced beans to make your morning routine more eco-friendly.

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Electronics Upgrade

It’s easy to get tempted by the latest technology and gadgets, but avoid replacing your electronics needlessly. Consider what you have and need before purchasing any new item. You can save money while still enjoying modern convenience by buying items with a longer lifespan or renting electronic devices instead.

Plastic Bags

Plastic bags are a significant source of pollution that harms our planet. Opt for reusable alternatives like cloth or canvas bags to help reduce your ecological footprint. You can also bring your containers and jars when shopping at bulk stores to reduce waste further.

Junk Mail

Stop receiving paper mail you don’t want or need. Take the extra step to unsubscribe from unwanted emails and opt out of any mailing lists that are not relevant to you. You can also ask your local post office for a “no junk mail” sticker to reduce the amount of paper waste sent to your home.

Home Decor

It’s easy to get carried away when decorating our living spaces. Investing in quality pieces helps reduce your environmental footprint, and you can also find sustainable pieces at thrift stores or flea markets. If you’re feeling creative, you can even decorate with upcycled items from around the house.

Expensive Gym Membership

Being active and staying healthy is essential, but expensive gym memberships are unnecessary. Consider finding free or cheaper alternatives like joining a sports team, going for outdoor runs, or exploring DIY workouts from home. You can still stay fit without breaking the bank.

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