Practicing 5 Yin Yoga Poses for Achieving Profound Relaxation

In traditional Chinese medicine, yin represents feminine energy and is soft and gentle. This
is the core element of a yin yoga practice. Think of this as an invitation to unwind and unravel.

Yin yoga brings an abundance of health benefits, according to Ekhart Yoga. You may enjoy reduced stress, a calm mind, and deep relaxation. As you become more conscious of your breath and as you stay in each posture for a little longer, you Invite your mind and body to unwind. Try these five yin yoga poses for deep relaxation.

Butterfly pose – Baddha Konasana

You can begin your yin practice with the beautiful butterfly pose. Baddha konasana relaxes your body and promotes inner awareness, according to Healthline. The butterfly pose ignites a soothing effect on the mind and body. As a hip opener, it’s an excellent opportunity to release any stored emotions and create space for healing.

Go into the butterfly pose in a seated position with your spine elongated. As you close down, the eyes bring the soles of your feet together, knees bent. Interweave your hands around the feet, fingers gently holding your toes. Pull up and through the head as you rise high, remaining seated. You can stay in this pose for as long as you like. 

Heart Melting Pose – Anahatasana

Awaken the heart chakra with Anahatasana, the heart-melting pose. This heart-opening posture calms your nervous system, improves lung capacity, and stretches your  upper body, according to The Yoga Collective

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Enter a tabletop position with hands and knees resting on the mat below. Staying connected to the earth, begin to walk your fingertips toward the top of the mat. Allow your upper body to follow, with the lower body remaining still. 

Here you can gently rest your forehead on the mat, feeling a deep stretch through your  upper body with your arms out in front. Relax your hands, so your palms are open to the floor and settle into the pose. Stay here for a few breaths as you reach a state of tranquility.

Happy Baby Pose  – Ananda Balasana

The happy baby pose evokes a sense of childlike wonder. Relaxation melts away nervous energy, sending you to a carefree space, according to the health app Do You. You will feel a sense of well-being as you eliminate tension to heal the mind, body, and spirit.

To practice a happy baby pose, lie down gracefully on your mat. You’ll want your back to lay flat to create a perfect alignment. From here, go ahead and bend your knees up towards the chest. As you grasp the feet with your hands, spread the knees upwards and outwards.

Imagine a baby lying happy in their cot, and reflect this image. To deepen the posture, rock yourself slowly from side to side. Allow the breath to guide you with deep inhales and exhales.

Reclined Goddess Pose – Supta Baddha Konasana  

The reclined goddess pose doubles up as both a  stress reliever and hip opening posture, according to mindbodygreen. This restorative pose can be integrated for relaxation at the end of any yoga session.

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To practice the reclined goddess pose, melt onto your mat as the mind and body unwind. Laying on your back, simply allow the soles of your feet to join together and let your knees drop outwards. Invite your arms to follow as you place them beside your body, palms open. 

The key here is to be as comfortable as possible. Feel free to bring in some blocks or blankets to find your zen. While you’re here, you can focus solely on your breath to bring you back to a place of peace. 

Legs Up The Wall Pose – Viparita Karani

The legs up the wall pose honors the true beauty of doing less, according to the Yoga Journal. It’s a favorite for many, so, rather than end your session in savasana, why not try this alternative posture?

Simply lay on your back, close to a wall, and raise your legs upwards. Resting the legs gently against the wall allows the blood flow to rebalance after mindful movement. Discover ultimate relaxation with the viparita karani pose. 


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