Top Strategies for Overcoming the Autumn Blues

There is something crisp and inviting about the change of seasons between summer and fall. This transitional period, as the days grow shorter and the autumn leaves dazzle with a bright array of colors, can be a perfect opportunity to achieve personal growth and change, Technogym reports. 

Get outdoors
According to Technogym autumn heralds colder temperatures, less sunshine and shorter, more rainy days. For some, the reduced amount of daylight hours can lead to melancholy and can negatively impact their overall mood. The lack of sunshine results in a deficit of UV rays that are necessary for bodies to produce vitamin D to promote bone health and serotonin to help muscles relax and balance biological rhythms.

In order to help offset these potentially negative effects, people are urged to head outdoors and spend extended periods of time in natural daylight, so that their bodies can go on to produce melanin during the night, which is key to better quality sleep and hormonal balance.

Balanced body and mind
Technogym reports that during autumn many people fall prey to Seasonal affective disorder (SAD), exhibiting symptoms of fatigue, difficulty in concentrating, nausea, lethargy and irritability in response to the change of seasons.

“Many people feel more cheerful and energetic when the sun is shining and the days are longer, or, conversely, when they’re eating more and sleeping longer in winter. But if you have SAD, the change in seasons has a much greater effect on mood and energy levels, leading to symptoms of depression that have a significant impact on day-to-day life.” Buckley told the Independent.

Buckley recommends trying out a SAD lamp that mimics sunlight for indoor spaces. In addition, he explained to the Independent that “Physical activity can also be very effective in lifting your mood and increasing your energy levels. It doesn’t have to be anything particularly strenuous – doing housework, gardening or going for a gentle walk can all help. Research shows that outdoor exercise, such as cycling or jogging, can be as effective as antidepressants in treating mild to moderate depression.”

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Technogym reports that a combined regiment of self care of both mind and body is crucial during this period. By paying careful attention to moods and emotions people can make sure to remain positive and not allow themselves to be overwhelmed by sadness. 

Incorporating change
To implement this kind of self care, people may decide to incorporate a new activity into their autumn routines. Mind your mind suggests several ideas, including attending a fall sporting event, eating healthy seasonal vegetables, drinking new varieties of tea, viewing the earthy fall colors, cuddling up in a warm blanket, or enjoying breathing in the cold fall air. 

By making an active choice to react positively and adapt in a healthy manner, the change of seasons brings with it an opportunity to improve quality of life.

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