Unexpected Ways to Reduce Your Risk of a Heart Attack: Revealing 13 Surprising Factors

Every year, thousands of people die from heart attacks. Many factors can increase your risk of having a heart attack, including smoking, poor diet, and lack of physical activity. But did you know that you can also do many things to decrease your risk? Here are 13 surprising ways to lower your risk of a heart attack.

Getting a Roommate

If you live alone, consider getting a roommate because living with someone can decrease your risk of having a heart attack. Research has shown that people who live alone have a higher risk of heart attacks compared to those who live with others.

Having a roommate means having someone to talk to and share responsibilities with, reducing stress and loneliness, which are known risk factors for heart attacks.

Spending Time With Pets

Pets give us immense joy and companionship. However, what many are unaware of is the additional benefit they provide – a reduced risk of heart attacks. Pets, particularly dogs, can effectively lower their owners’ blood pressure and cholesterol levels, improving overall health. They also encourage physical activity as they need to be walked regularly.

Laughing More Often

As the saying goes, laughter is the best medicine. When it comes to heart health, this couldn’t be more true. Laughing has been shown to reduce stress hormone levels and increase the production of good cholesterol in our bodies. Also, it enhances blood circulation and reduces inflammation, contributing to a healthy heart.

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Drinking Tea

Tea consumption has various health benefits, including reducing the likelihood of heart disease. Tea, specifically green and black teas, contains antioxidants that can improve blood vessel function and decrease the risk of heart attacks. So, if you need a hot beverage, opt for a cup of tea over coffee.

Eating Chocolate

Yes, you read that right – eating chocolate can lower your risk of a heart attack. Dark chocolate, in particular, has been found to have heart-healthy properties. It contains flavonoids, which can improve blood flow and decrease the risk of blood clots. Of course, moderation is key as chocolate is still high in calories and sugar.

Good Oral Health

Maintaining good oral health goes beyond just having a nice smile. Research has demonstrated a direct correlation between inadequate dental health and a heightened susceptibility to heart attacks.

This risk arises from the infiltration of bacteria associated with gum disease into the bloodstream, triggering inflammation within the blood vessels and subsequently elevating the likelihood of developing heart disease.


People who are married or in long-term relationships have a lower risk of heart attacks compared to those who are single. This occurrence could be due to a committed relationship’s emotional support and companionship, leading to decreased stress levels and healthier lifestyle habits.

Love Making

Love making can also decrease your risk of a heart attack. Studies have shown that regular bedroom activity can reduce stress and blood pressure, improve circulation, and release feel-good hormones. Of course, this act should be done safely and consensually.


Giving back to others not only benefits the community but also your health. Volunteering can lower the risk of heart disease and heart attacks. It is believed that this is due to the social connections and sense of purpose that come with volunteering, leading to decreased stress levels and healthier behaviors.

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Listening to Classical Music

Classical music has been shown to have many health benefits, including improving heart health. Classical music can decrease blood pressure and heart rate, reduce stress, and improve cardiovascular function. So next time you need some relaxation, turn on some classical tunes.

Pursuing Higher Education

Education is often associated with better job opportunities and higher income but can also benefit your heart health. Pursuing higher education can decrease the risk of heart attacks, likely due to the increased knowledge and healthier lifestyle choices that come with education.

Eating Fish

Consuming fish, especially fatty varieties like salmon and sardines, can diminish the likelihood of heart disease and heart attacks. These fish are full of omega-3 fatty acids, proven to enhance cardiovascular well-being by reducing blood pressure and inflammation. If you do not like fish, consider taking an omega-3 supplement.

Getting Enough Sleep

Adequate sleep is crucial for our overall well-being, particularly our heart health. Obtaining sufficient high-quality sleep can significantly reduce the likelihood of experiencing heart attacks. Conversely, insufficient sleep has been linked to elevated blood pressure and heart rate and the adoption of unhealthy lifestyle habits like poor dietary choices and physical inactivity.

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